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Useful Information

How long does each therapy session take?

Generally, your appointment will be an hour.
As both therapies treat holistically, Rebecca adapts the treatment to fit the  individual, so for younger people or those with specific needs, the treatment can be shortened.

The Combined treatment is generally longer and you can enjoy the benefits of both therapies.

What do I need to bring?

The treatment room has a professional medical couch which can be reclined to fit the comfort of the client.
You are welcome to bring anything you feel would aid your treatment and make you feel more comfortable: maybe a blanket or bottle of water.


Initial consultation:  £50
Follow-up treatments:  £40
Shorter treatments: £25
Combination Treatment (longer session which combines both therapies):  £60

Consultation Forms

Every client is asked to help Rebecca form a holistic view of themselves. This helps identify any areas to focus on, precautions or contraindications. To do this, a consultation form and consent form are completed and added to during sessions.
These are all confidential and protected by GDRP.
Rebecca is fully insured by Alan Boswell.

Frequency of Treatments

I still have questions

If you still have questions about the therapies or appointments, please contact Rebecca.

Due to the nature of holistics treatments, one-off treatments can help you, but having a set of initial treatments is more effective, along with regular follow-up sessions.

Privacy and GDPR

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Experience Change with Rebecca and regular relaxing treatments

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